LogView / NDView
We developed LogView and NDView to enable evaluation of well logs, visualization, and creation of synthetics, elastic parameter models.
LogView capabilities include;
- Input: LAS and GEOEAS format well log files
- Restore: previous session
- Load: geologic tops/picks
- Save: session, tops, logs, fft, xcor, ANOVA (ANalysis Of VAriance)
- Edit: data, null/replace, insert, tracks, curves, geoeas, tops
- Math Operations: +, -, *, /, ^, 1/x, log10(x), ln(x), 10^x, e^x, normalize, denormalize
- Math Signal Analysis: instaneous amplitude, filter, rotate_phase, depth shift, stretch-squeeze, cross correlate, reflectivity, differentiate, integrate
- Math Spectral Analysis
- Math Polyfit (N-Dimensional Polynomial Regression - Unique to OpenGeoSolutions)
- Fluid Substitution Modeling
- View: cross correlation, ANOVA, spectra
NDView provides up to 5 dimensional plotting of well log data that has been loaded into LogView. Any of the well logs loaded into LogView can be displayed in normal or logarithmic format on X, Y, Z, data point size or data point colour
NDView capabilities include;
- up to 5 dimension plotting (normal/logarithmic)
- read: colour file, pick file
- write: pick file
- stretch-squeeze X-Y-Z dimensions
- rotate display cube in X-Y-Z dimensions
- illuminate display cube from any X-Y-Z location
- pick / delete / save data points
LogView Display - with picks toggled on-off.
NDView Display - with corresponding Logview picks toggled on-off.
NDView Control Panel