"Fly the Data" with double-click Navigators
Connections ...things we find interesting.
Intuitive visualization of project data
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Data courtesy of Nexen and CNOOC
Spectral NavigatorTM Demonstration - Exploring the full dimensionality of your data. Greg Partyka (13.4 min)
Use of quantitative Seismic Analysis to Define Reservoir Architecture and Volumes
- An Example from the giant Johan Sverdrup Field in Norway (Presentation 4.5MB)
(Presentation and Notes 2.9MB)
Blockfilter WebApp - Simple forward modelling. Greg Partyka (6.4 min)
Sidelobes WebApp - Greg explains sidelobes and texas doubles. See if your impedance profiles generate sidelobes. (9.0 min)
Spectral Colour and Resolution WebApp - Greg explains the red, white and blue of seismic colour. (8.2 min)